
Qualified Business Person – QBP Course

The Qualified Business Person QBP course covers the development of plans and policies to ensure regulatory requirements are met in conducting a contracting business, regulatory compliance, occupational and workplace relation requirements associated with the functions and responsibilities of a contracting business. It encompasses applying knowledge of compliance regulations and standards, legislated obligations in relation to safety, the environment, heritage sites and employment and human resources. The units of competency required for QBP are UEECD0007, UEEEL0040, and BSBESB402.

How to apply for this course

  1. Check the list of training providers below
  2. Find a provider located near you
  3. Contact the provider directly using the contact details listed

Course Code





Training organisations providing this course

Many training options are now being offered online or as a blend of online or in-person delivery. Not all courses and qualifications are available for online delivery. Contact the training provider directly to discuss online availability in your preferred region.