Tradies and Workers


Need a kick start to your career? Need to continue your journey to keep pace with rapidly changing times and the pressures of technology? Or are you simply looking for a refresh or new ideas to do things more efficiently or cost-effectively? The ATA Energy Gateway aims to address the sometimes-frustrating gap that there is no ‘one-stop shop’ energy training portal that provides a window on the skilling and training opportunities available nationwide to you or your staff. 

ATA Energy Gateway listed training organisations are screened for ASQA certification and offer some of the best training opportunities available. So take up the opportunity to learn a bit more about your craft. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, drop us a line by using the Feedback link, and we will try to help you out and cover that off for the future.

Construction Skills Queensland

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It’s never been easier to find the right course to suit your busy lifestyle. Search both online and face-to-face courses.

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